Friday 10 August 2012

The missing recipe

There is one recipe Mom didn't pass down to me.

Believe it or not, she used to boil mushrooms! The large flat ones. I think she used to take the stalks out, and leave them whole. I do remember her skinning them, which defeats the object really because that's where the flavour is. Then I think she'd put some water in a pan and drop them in, then boil them for a few minutes.

I only remembered this this evening, when I wanted to cook some mushrooms to go alongside the sausages for tea. I had some large flat mushies, and instantly remembered the black liquor that they cooked in, full of mushroom flavour.

However, because I actually prefer mushroomes sauteed in garlic butter, I never took any notice of Mom's old recipe. So I can't reproduce it here because I can't remember it! Sorry!

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