Wednesday 27 June 2012

This blog came about as a result of a panicky text from an ex-student of mine. "Help I have no gravy powder what do I do?" So Sue, you don't know it but it's all your fault!

The premise behind the blog is that people today don't know or were never taught how to feed themselves or their family cheaply. I'm not going to make any promises about "feed your family on £5 a week" although I've done that. Nor am I going to make any rash claims that such a recipe will cost you 30p a portion. What I will say is that these recipes are cheap, tasty and filling. I'll try and debunk how to handle things that are unfamiliar to you and make preparing these foods as easy as I can.

As time goes by, I'll ask for your ideas too. Let's help each other. God knows we need help these days!

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